Polar State
Polar State - We Broke Bread
The opening drums set the tone for the song - kind of light, kind of heavy. The fluttering keyboard part that is echoed by the the guitar gives two very lush like hot velvet tones that wouldn't sound too far removed from being sandwiched between the new Postal Service song and a Keane demo on the next The OC soundtrack.
What makes this track really work is how each instrument comes in and takes its place in the song, knowing when to take the front, and knowing when to drop into the back. Every instrument has the melody at some point, and the baton is often pass so quickly you don't even realize it.
The air-y vocals play well against the heavy rounded out bass, both instruments playing off each other quite well in the verses. Picking up where the other left off, the two are never battling for position, but still abrasive enough to push the song into the next section.
As the song progresses, you can pick up all of the melodies just enough to sing the "Don't know, Don't know Hows" and to hum along to all of the instrumental sections which take equal precedence to the vocal sections. Coming off like a big sigh at the end of an emotionally draining day or last day of school lets drive around aimless with the windows down, this song straddles both kinds of feelings.
This band wouldn't work if any of its members weren't in the band. You can hear it - and that is cool.